lunes, 9 de julio de 2012


Hola a todos, ya está en la plataforma la evaluación de refuerzo, recuerden que vale por las dos notas, son 10 preguntas.  El grupo se llama UCO REFUERZO y el código es n4c3hj.
Y para reforzar la presentación personal se debe realizar un video.

No se les olvide que los trabajos se deben entregar antes del 20 de julio.


miércoles, 6 de junio de 2012

Welcome to your English course with Universidad Católica de Oriente.
I'm going to introduce you the course.

In level 1 you are going to study:
- The pronouns
- Verb to be
- Simple present
- Y/N and WH questions
- Time expressions
- Short descriptions
- Geetings 
- Readings and listening exercises

This is the content on sesion 2
-  Quantifiers: all, nearly all, most, many, a lot of, some, not many, few, a few, no one.
- Frequency adverbs.
- Present continuous
-  Simple past, regular and irregular verbs.
- Past of to be
- There is, there are, much and many

Here you are going to find some links to review the topics and do exercises